Basic Info

July 29, 2024 - August 10, 2024
Bending Oak Permaculture Farm
100 Cottage Grove Dr.
Youngstown, Ohio 44505


Admission Charged
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This intensive 80-hour certificate program will equip you with inspiration and knowledge to make positive changes in your life & community and to design your own regenerative systems. We will include classroom and in-the-field learning as well as hands-on activities. Curriculum Includes: - The history of permaculture - Ethics and Principles - The Local Ecosystem - Patterns and Pattern Application - Climates, Biogeography and Microclimates - Design Methods and Process - The Home System - Water - Earthworks - Soils - Trees, Forests, Plants, and Cultivated Ecologies - Animals - Aquaculture - The Built Environment - Waste and Bioremediation - Appropriate Technology - Design for Catastrophe - Urban Permaculture - Broad-scale Landscape Design - Design for Invisible Structures - Economic Systems - Access to Land - Ecovillage and Neighborhood Design - Permaculture Scene - Design Projects and Presentations PDC Design Project PDC Participants will work in small groups to complete a permaculture design. We will walk you through the whole design process, including a client interview, site analysis and assessment, and designing from patterns to details. On the last day of the course, the design teams will present their final designs to the class. Meals and snacks will be included each day. Students will help with dinner prep. A ‘what to expect’ letter will be sent to course participants which will include pre-course reading recommendations. Should you choose to stay in our accommodations, during the course, we will offer a 20% discount if the accommodation is booked for the whole event Have questions about the course? Contact Questions about the site, accommodations, meals, or other logistics. Contact